
We’re back!
After a 2 year break, enforced by the lack of cash to fund the bandwidth, we’re back online and making money off Google. Seriously, it’s not funny footing the bandwidth bill when some American college web site locks onto your meme and sends the entire Campus of UCLA rushing to your site.
So, onto the t-shirt shenanigans. We’re gonna tell you how to transform yourself into a formidable NINJA and join the ever growing ranks of Ninja Clans with the aid of a simple t-shirt.
This technique has been passed down from internet generation to internet generation by the awesome Sensei Vern Reid. I stumbled on Sensei Reid’s ‘Open Palm – Folded Shirt’ technique quite by accident and practiced for hours. I was quick to share my new found awesome knowledge with Philthy san, and we agreed that the power gained from the simple t-shirt was far too awesome to keep to ourselves.
Thus we founded our original House Of Ninja back in May 2002. We had to close the House in December 2003 through the poverty our teachings had inflicted on us.
But we vowed to return stronger…
And here we are! Learn the art of the t-shirt Ninja and send us your pics!
Domo arigatou gozaimashita.
Sensei Jake & Philthy san